Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday and Wednesday, November 5 and 6 The Bluest Eye-- analysis

Due Wednesday  Week 1, day 1 vocabulary .This was handed out on Monday. There was also a copy on the blog.

On Wednesday: New Vocabulary Handout/ copy below: Week 1, day 2, vocabulary handout, copy below. (hand in the old and collect the new vocabulary.)

  In class on both Tuesday and Wednesday:
 We are reviewing the text of Toni Morrison's novel The Bluest Eye.Class handout / copy below. I will collect these at the end of class on Wednesday and return them to you on Thursday. Your responses will be a writing grade; as well, you will use the material to write an essay on Thursday and Friday.

If you are absent, please complete the following. You do not need the handout; just respond.
Thinking and Writing about Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye
         We will be discussing the following as a class, after which you will respond in
1.       When and where is the novel set?
2.       When was the novel published?
3.       Why are the above significant?
4.       Reread the first page, beginning with “Here is the house.”
What type of image is presented and how does this contrast with Claudia’s and Pecola’s world?
5.       Now briefly thumb through the book. How is the novel organized?  Why did Morrison break up the text and organize the novel in this manner?
6.       Claudia and Pecola both live Lorraine, Ohio, which is located on Lake Erie. How are these two girls’ lives similar; how are they different?
7.       Understanding Pauline
a.       What is her background?
b.      Why does she marry Cholly?
c.       What does she do for a living, and how does she feel about her job?
d.      Why does she beat Pecola when her daughter tells her she has been raped?
e.      How will she live out her life?
8.       Understanding Cholly.
a.       In chronological order list Cholly’s life events.
b.      List five adjectives that to describe how these events would have left Cholly feeling.
9.       Reconciling Pauline and Cholly’s relationship.
Reread pages 114 beginning with Thus is was the stranger through page 117, ending in Pauline’s speaking.
How do you reconcile Pauline’s abuse to Pecola with Cholly’s behavior?
10.   The color imagery is ties the book together, beginning with the marigolds that actually never grow.
Copy out 6 examples of color imagery in the text, citing the page number. See example below.
“Pecola backed out of the room, staring at the pretty milk-brown lady in the pretty gold-and-grteen house who was talking to her through the cat’s fur.” (92).

11.   Answer this question: who or what decides what is beautiful?

     Note that the following students are listed as going on a field trip to GEVA this Thursday. I am handing you the essay material early. It is due on Friday, just like everyone else. There is no extension. Branden, Khampasong, Diamond, Jahnai, Shayzonizque, Grace 
As well, the following students are listed as participating in a college field trip on Friday. Your essay is due too on Friday like everyone else. That, of course, is no problem for college-bound juniors. Plan accordingly. Mystique, Zach, Nick, Seyvion, Dennis, Nate and Eileen.

All essays received after Friday will receive a grade of 50, which is preferable to a Zero.  

Week 1 Day 2 vocabulary....This is due Friday.
Note the new words: abound

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