Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday, April 21 comma review

Welcome back.  
In class today: review comma exercise. This is due at the close of class.
Shown in Old Black with Cream letteringYes, I am asking you to write out the 25 sentences. Please be mindful of the syntax
 (the arrangement of words and 

phrases to create well-

formed sentences in a language).

How might these

structures be incorporated into your 

own writing to make it 

more interesting? Due at

 the end of class

(handout / copy below) Enough time

 has been allocated

 to complete the assignment to 

anyone who gets to work.

While you are working, I am going to pass back Weatherall graphic organizers, essays and vocabulary tests from the week before the break and then call you up individually to review your grades, at which point, you may hand in any missing work.

Name_________________________     Comma review    Please rewrite the following sentences, inserting comma(s), as, or if, needed.  Due at the close of class.  Graded assignment with a test on Friday, April 25
1.  The waiter ignored the rude obnoxious customer.

2.  Joey ate all of his peas but he refused to eat his lima beans.

3.  Edgar Allan Poe the father of the short story is buried in Baltimore.

4.  Since the expansion of the Internet research has become much less tedious.

5.  To maintain excellent grades in your classes is an accomplishment.

6.  Handguns knives and other weapons are turning up in locker checks.

7.  The golfer wearing the plaid pants desperately needs to improve his game.

8.  As cucumbers grow their vines need room to expand.

9.  That movie in my opinion was too scary for children.

10.  You will come to my dance recital won't you?

11.  Anyone who walks four dogs at one time must keep the leashes untangled.

12.  We included fruits especially oranges and apples in our diet.

13.  My Aunt Bertha who works in a shoe factory is feeling ill.

14. Jamal's new car which has a sunroof was stolen last week.

15.  We couldn't locate the contestant who won the raffle.

16.  After splicing the film together try to run it through the machine smoothly.

17.  No the sale does not begin until tomorrow.

18.  On the fourth of each month Jerry wrote a check for his rent.

19.  Hearing the guilty verdict the defendant fainted.

20.  Clumsily putting his fingers on the bow Mariana tried to open the package.

21. Send a copy of the report to John Bell 321 Homeland Avenue Seattle Washington before the end of the month.

22. We didn't receive the letter dated May 24 2006 until May of 2007.

23. We will celebrate your birthday this year on March 2 because we will be out of town on March 1.

24. Leticia’s sister didn't arrive until January 27 1999 because she couldn't sell her house.

25. On December 28 2007 my cousin joined the Marines.

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