Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday, September 25 evidence based claims

Homework for periods 6 and 7 sentence fragment exercise. class handout / copy below; due Thursday / tomorrow
                   for period 8- vocabulary 11- due Friday

In class: collecting the graphic organizer for text 5, Steven's Supreme Court Decision
              Using the same text, we are looking for evidence-based claims to respond to a text-generated question.  At this point, you should have closely read the text. You shall now review three specific paragraphs, selecting only that text that supports a response to the question. You will then paraphrase, put into your own words, the text.

COPY OF HOMEWORK FOR PERIODS 6 and 7              
 Grammar link: exercise 4   Avoiding sentence fragments

Sentence fragments are acceptable in your notes or personal journals, but are not appropriate in more formal writing. When you write for others, however, use complete sentences.

I am a tall, sleepy-eyed medical student in a white coat.

Revise each fragment below into a sentence by adding either a subject or predicate.

1.                               1            My career in art.

2.                                      2.    Have enrolled in a pottery class.

3.                                           3.     Jennifer DuBerry, the instructor.

4.                                              4. The wheel and the kiln.

5.                                             5.  Created an odd-looking vase.


 Name __________________________________________________
Reading Purpose:___To understand why the US Supreme Court thought the Santa Fe School District abridged the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the Constitution.
Text based question: How does a voluntarily elected student council member giving a prayer or invocation before a football game not comport or abridge the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment?
Look carefully at the bolded example and follow the model. Note that when you paraphrase, whenever possible use synonyms or phrases to explain the idea and not repeat the exact word in the original text.
Lines used

What is the most important, specific textual evidence within the paragraph that answers the above question? Note the example and the process of omitting extraneous information, so that you include only what is necessary.

“the majoritarian process implemented by the District guarantees…that minority candidates…will be silenced.”

 The procedure put in place by the school district means that the lesser number of people will not have a say in what prayer or invocation is used.








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