Sunday, September 8, 2013

Monday Tuesday, September 9 / 10 continuation with Thomas Nast image from Friday and suffix quiz

Thomas Nast, who illustrated the political image we are working on in class, also drew this iconic image of Santa Claus.
Optional retest today for anyone wishing to improve the prefix test grade.
In class: quiz on suffixes on Monday
             We are finishing up looking at the Thomas Nast .mage
             To reiterate (say again) Here are the instructions:
1. You will be handed back the image and today I have created a handout, so as to organize this better. (Please be patient with me, as this is new to me also!)
2. Look at the title. Write a sentence that tells how the words direct your thinking.
3 With your group, discuss what you see in the picture and list ten details.
4 We shall then share them out as a class and refine them, that is how can we see the picture more deeply.
5.. In three-four well-written sentences, discuss what the picture is about, using phrases and details to support your statement.

If you do not finish in class, please do so as homework: This will count in the 40% category. It is due no later than tomorrow, after which time you will receive only 50 points, as stated in the class criteria sheet.

A suggestion to begin: In Thomas Nast's picture entitled "Church and State-No Union Upon Any Terms", the illustrator depicts....................................................................

Here is a copy of the class handout.

Text 1  Thomas Nast illustration                                                               Name ________________________________
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.       <!--[endif]-->Sit with your assigned group.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.       <!--[endif]-->Look at the title. Write a sentence that tells how the words direct your thinking.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.       <!--[endif]-->List 10 details you see in the
            What I observe                                                               Refined details










Please turn over to complete the assignment.
<!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

 In three-four well-written sentences, discuss what the picture is about, using phrases and details to support your statement.

If you do not finish in class, please do so as homework: This will count in the 40% category. It is due no later than tomorrow, after which time you will receive only 50 points, as stated in the class criteria sheet.

A suggestion to begin: In Thomas Nast's picture entitled "Church and State-No Union Upon Any Terms", the illustrator depicts....................................................................



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