English III
Notes: students are expected to check the blog everyday. If you are absent, this is where you will find out what you missed. This is, as well, where you will find copies of almost all work. If you lose a handout, please make a copy from the blog.
If you are absent without a legal excuse, the class material is due by midnight that day. Please send it along electronically. Note that college visits, family trips, school field trips, counselor or visits with an administrator mean you have until midnight that day to get the assignment in; otherwise, it is late.
NO PASSES first and last 10 minutes of class.
Tardiness: This is your day job; you are expected to be on time. Bring a pass, if you are late; otherwise you will receive a zero grade under homework (10% category) for that day. Let's not go there.
Due Friday, September 6: signed copy of your class criteria sheet. Class handout; copy below. This is a homework grade.
Quiz: prefixes, class handout; copy below. Be prepared to define each of the prefixes on the list and give an example. It need not be the one listed.
In class: review of criteria sheet, class structure, expectations and goals.
Handout on prefixes.
Course Criteria Sheet English III
Please sign and return the attached sheet by Friday, September 6.
Communication is the foundation to our humanity. The English language arts curriculum strives to make all
students successful by the practice of those reading, writing and oral skills that promote proficiency. Our goal
is their practical application to whatever further educational path the student chooses. This is accomplished
through the undertaking of close, attentive reading in complex works of literature. Students will apply critical thinking
and analytical skills through oral and written work. These will be augmented by vocabulary and grammar work.
Upon the successful completion of the course, the student will receive one graduation credit. In addition, English III
students will be taking the English Language Arts Regents in January and the Common Core Exam in June.
Needed Classroom Materials:
1 folder or section of a notebook specifically designated for English work.
Loose leaf paper
Pens / pencils
Thumb drive This is for computer work and presentations.
*Contact information: Mrs. Parker’s telephone: 242-1760; please leave a message and I’ll ring you back
within 24 hours; e-mail: Dolly.Parker@rcsdk12.org ; mail box location: first floor, behind the reception desk.
*Class blog: http://english111-13-14.blogspot.com
This is the go-to place for all class information, including readings and assignments. It should be checked daily.
*Parent Connect: The system is designed to improve communication between school and home to support student achievement.
Through this secure online system, you will be able to check your child’s academic progress from any computer, any time.
Registration is through the RCSD website: http://www.rcsdk12.org. So as to ensure a successful year, all parents are requested to register. Students may also have their own accounts, which will allow them to stay up-to-date on their progress.
Late work policy: Per school policy, students will legal absences have ten days to make up assignments; otherwise work will
be accepted for a grade of 50% until the end of the marking period.
Note: As per school policy, no phones, electronic equipment or food is permitted in the classroom.
Expectations: Though important in all academic settings, due to the nature of the course, it is essential that
we build an atmosphere of trust and cooperation. As various viewpoints are expressed, it is the expectation that
the discussion remain mature, civil and respectful at all times. On this point, there is no flexibility.
Respect for Self – Be on time, prepared and ready to learn. (Academic success corresponds to attendance; the class
follows the school and district policies.)
Respect for Others – Assist others’ learning, do nothing that interferes with learning.
Respect for Property – Treat the room and its contents with care.
Grading: Homework 10%, Class Work 40%, Quizzes 30%, Projects / Presentations 20%
Please note that summer reading is 20% of the first marking period’s grade.
English III Mrs. Parker due Friday September 6
We have read the course criteria sheet, noting the required materials and the importance of
registering on Parent Connect.
Student name (print)_____________________________________________________
Student signature _______________________________________________________
Parent/ guardian name (print)______________________________________________
Parent signature __________________________
anti- against antifreeze
de- opposite defrost
dis-* not, opposite of disagree
en-, em- cause to encode, embrace
fore- before forecast
in-, im- in infield
in-, im-, il-, ir-* not injustice, impossible
inter- between interact
mid- middle midway
mis- wrongly misfire
non- not nonsense
over- over overlook
pre- before prefix
re-* again return
semi- half semicircle
sub- under submarine
super- above superstar
trans- across transport
un-* not unfriendly
under- under undersea
*Most frequent. The four most frequent prefixes account for 97 percent of prefixed
words in printed school English.
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