Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday, March 10 Maggie, Chapters 14, 15, 16, 17

Cleanliness is the characteristic of the negro

 in his new surroundings, as it was his virtue

 in the old. In this respect he is immensely

 the superior of the lowest of the whites,

the Italians and the Polish Jews, below whom

 he has been classed in the past in the tenant

 scale. Nevertheless, he has always had to 

pay higher rents than even these for the

 poorest and most stinted rooms. The

 exceptions I have come across, in which the

 rents, though high, have seemed more nearly

 on a level with what was asked for the same 

number and size of rooms in the average

 tenement, were in the case of tumble-down

 rookeries in which no one else would live

, and were always coupled with the condition

 that the landlord should “make no

 repairs.” excerpted from Jacob Riis' How the

 Other Half Lives, chapter "The Color Line in

 New York."

Vocabulary make-up for Friday's test today, either in class or after school in room 176

In class: handout on vocabulary list 2 from Maggie, Girl of the Streets. (copy below)  Test on Monday, March 17  There will be no retake; so study. Same format as previous.

In class: chapters 14, 15, 16, 17 from Steven Crane's Maggie,

 Girl of the Streets. This is due at the end of class tomorrow.

 You will be in the library lab on Wednesday and Thursday this

 week writing an analysis essay. You have had your topic 

choices for a week. They are on the first page of your graphic 

organizer on the book. I am passing around a sheet for you to 

write down the topic choice. Do not write the number; write out 

the topic. There will be no changes after today.

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