Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday, March 11 last day Maggie

In class: handout on vocabulary list 2 from 

Maggie, Girl of the Streets. (copy below) 

 Test on Monday, March 17  There will be no 

retake; so study. Same format as previous.

      We are finishing up Maggie today, reading the last two chapters as a class. The graphic organizer is due by the end of class, at the end of the school day or, if you wish, you may come after school. I'll be in the second floor computer lab. Any not turned in are late.

If the predicted snow means we have no school, we'll write the in class essay that you selected yesterday the next two days we have classes. Unfortunately, this will not take place in the computer lab.

Maggie, Girl of the Streets—vocabulary list 2   Test on Monday, March 17
1.    to leer (verb)- look or gaze in an unpleasant, malicious, or lascivious way
2.    cohort (noun)- a group of people banded together or treated as a group
3.    degradation (noun)- wearing down
4.    to flounder (verb)- to struggle helplessly
5.    to founder (verb)-to become wrecked, break down, sink
6.    smite (verb) to strike or hit hard
7.    formidable (adjective) powerful, causing dread and fear
8.    opulent (adjective)- magnificent and luxurious -- usually expensive
9.    fastidious (adjective)- concerned with cleanliness or matters of taste
10.      sullen (adjective)- showing a gloomy or bad mood -- often by not interacting with others in a friendly way
11.      to truncate to shorten by cutting off a part; to cut short
12.      polemic (noun) a conversational argument
13.      licentious (adjective) sexually unrestrained, promiscuous

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