Chicago turns its river green on St. Paddy's Day
The week ahead. New plans as of last Wednesday's snow day and the sparse attendance on Friday.
Today: semicolon activity sheet. Due at the end of class. Test on Thursday on this material. (class handout / copy below)
Tuesday and Wednesday. In class Maggie, Girl of the Streets essay. Hand written, as we cannot get in the library lab.
Everyone has already chosen his or her essay. If you were here on Friday, I gave you detailed instructions. Make sure you get one today and review / prepare for the next two days. (See copy below)
Thursday, vocabulary test from Maggie list 2 (we were to have it originally today) AND the semicolon assessment. Last grades for this marking period.
Maggie, Girl of the Streets by Stephen Crane essay directions
At this point, everyone should have committed to one of the
following four topics.
What role does religion play in Maggie, Girl of
the Streets?
Why is Maggie unable to survive in the environment
in which she was raised?
To what extent is Maggie, Girl of the Streets a
realist novel?
How do sociological and economic circumstances
influence Maggie and Jimmy?
General information:
1. MLA
2. Minimum
500 words (approximately 3 handwritten pages of medium-sized script.
3. Supporting
text. Remember that you make a statement, prove it and then offer of an
analysis, which is saying why this particular piece of information is
significant in terms of contributing to your original thesis statement.
4. You
must have at an introduction with a clearly stated thesis / controlling idea.
5. You
must have a minimum of three body paragraphs, each with textual evidence.
6. Your
conclusion should not be a restatement of the introduction, but an insightful
observation or extension of the controlling idea. Possible scenarios include
historical, sociological, psychological connections.
7. Due
at the end of class on Wednesday.
Advice for individual topics.
1. Religion:
look at the specific characters; note hypocrisy
Look at religion of the gentility and the
mission church
2. Survival
in the environment: lots of concrete information; focus on imagery; think about
the people, places and society as a whole.
What do you know of Maggie’s character and how can you demonstrate this?
3. Maggie
as a realist novel: Consider use
vernacular language, who these
characters are, control of one’s destiny, complex ethics
4. Sociological
and economic circumstances: these ties
into the immigration movement. Make connections to Riis’ How the Other Half
When do I use a semicolon?
(for, and, nor, but, or, yet,
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For each of the following rewrite
the sentence, incorporating semicolons where needed. After each, write the
number of the rule you followed.
score was tied the game went into overtime.
1a Rule # ________________________
Professor Brown has
left the laboratory, however, you may still be able to reach her through
2a. Rule # _______________
We didn't attend the play, besides, we had heard that all the
good seats were taken.
3a Rule #__________________
We stayed in Baltimore, Maryland, Omaha, Nebraska, and
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
4a. Rule #_____________________
5. The three performers
included Jasper, a trained squirrel, Belzar, a tightrope walker, and Petunia,
a magician.
5a. Rule #________________
Read the article out loud, then answer all ten questions on the
6a. Rule # ___________________
Martin had paid his dues; therefore, we allowed him to vote in
the election.
7a Rule # ________________________
The World Series had begun, however, we were still stuck in
8a. Rule #_____________________
The World Series had begun, however, we were still stuck in
9a. Rule # _________________
Martin Luther King did
not intend to become a preacher, originally he wanted to be a lawyer.
10 a. Rule # ___________________
The parole hearing was
attended by James Thomas, who was a federal prosecutor, Irene Milton, who
supervised the state prison system, and Jeremy Ingram, a former legal aide
for the city.
11a. ________________
Many parents are in favor
of school uniforms, they feel that the uniforms develop a sense of community
among students.
12 a Rule # ____________________
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