Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday, April 30 day 2 "My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning

Due: Friday, vocabulary quiz....copy of words on Monday's blog
In class: continuing with "My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning.
            Looking at how literary movements parallel social change. 
So where do the Victorians fit in? Sound like realism?
Fill in the following graphic organizer with the characteristics associated with Romanticism, Realism and Modernism. (class handout, copy below)  If you are absent, you are responsible for this material.
Day 2- listening to the poem again:
Today we are focusing on the character of the Duchess and her relationship with the Duke. You will be working with partners and sharing out AS A CLASS.
The expectations are as follows:
1. Engage in a collaborative discussion; that means share your ideas. Listen and reflect on what your partner and classmate says. 
2. Adhering to time 
3.  Remaining on task 
4. By partner, I mean one person only! If you choose to work alone, that is your option. Note: tomorrow you must work with another partner.

Due by the close of class: completion of questions 1-8 from the graphic organizer we began yesterday and a quick write that answers the following: using only lines 1-8, describe the character of the Duchess, weaving in specific text from the poem.

Look over the following list of characteristics and fill in the organizer as to which ones best apply to the Romantic, Realist and Modernist traditions.
1.       precise details 2. loneliness, alienation 3.  looks at the world optimistically 4.  character more important than plot  5. no absolute truths, 6.reverence for Nature 7.concerned with the subconscious 8. events are plausible 9. implied themes  10. faith in imagination 11. strong reaction against established religious, political, and social views  12. diction is natural, not poetic 13. interest in the bizarre or supernatural 14. characters usually lower and middle class 15.  complex ethical choices  16. abandoning of traditional rhyme schemes and wrote in free verse.

Look over the following list of characteristics and fill in the organizer as to which ones best apply to the Romantic, Realist and Modernist traditions.
1.    precise details 2. loneliness, alienation 3.  looks at the world optimistically 4.  character more important than plot  5. no absolute truths, 6.reverence for Nature 7.concerned with the subconscious 8. events are plausible 9. implied themes  10. faith in imagination 11. strong reaction against established religious, political, and social views  12. diction is natural, not poetic 13. interest in the bizarre or supernatural 14. characters usually lower and middle class 15.  complex ethical choices  16. abandoning of traditional rhyme schemes and wrote in free verse.
looks at the world

precise details

reverence for Nature

character more
important than plot
no absolute truths

faith in imagination

events are plausible
concern with the

interest in the bizarre and supernatural

strong reaction against
traditional religious, political and social views

diction is natural, not poetic
abandoning traditional rhyme schemes and writing free verse

characters usually lower and middle class
complex ethical choices

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