The Alamo
DUE TODAY: vocabulary sentences
Due Friday (tomorrow)- vocabulary matching quiz
In class: you are continuing to work on the Kennedy speech graphic organizer. Many have completed this. This will be returned to you, so as you may use it to write the accompanying essay.
Below is a copy of the class handout explaining the essay.
This is due on Monday at the beginning of class. You will have no weekend homework, if you complete it by tomorrow :)
John F. Kennedy’s speech to the Houston Ministerial
Association text-based essay. READ CAREFULLY
Please respond to the following prompt, supporting each of
the 3 paragraphs with at least one piece of text, followed by a
paraphrase. Write your essay according to
the outline provided. You should adjust
for your personal style.
How does John F. Kennedy argue that he would be an effective
president of the United States?
Introduction: Explain the purpose of John F. Kennedy’s
address, including to whom he is speaking (no need to mention specific
people (keep it general); and the location of the address. Now your topic / main sentence or thesis
statement. How does Kennedy make his points? (reference the First Amendment,
the duties of the office of the president and the role his family has served.)
Paragraph 1: In this
paragraph address Kennedy’s concerns that the association is focusing on his
religion and what that means to every American.
Kennedy observes that there are “far more
critical issues to face in the 1960 election” than the issue that the topic of
his Catholic religion. Such as?
What is obscuring the significant issues? What does Kennedy emphasize is
guaranteed “in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute?”
Who does / does not a public official respond to? Conclude this paragraph with
your own analysis statement, as to why Kennedy chose to begin his speech with
this way. (Reread lines 30-35 for an idea)
Paragraph 2: In this paragraph, write about how Kennedy
is emphasizing the ideals embodied in America.
What does he think about the office of president and its relationship to
the Constitution? How would he behave
as the president? (lines 43-58) Incorporate his phrases within your
sentences; use quotes around his. Conclude
the paragraph with your own analysis statement: think about the logic of what
he has spoken to this audience.
Paragraph 3: Talk about
how Kennedy has personalized his role and that of his family as Americans. He
appeals to the emotions of the audience. Include specifics from the text to
show exactly what they are. Address the issue of “divided loyalty.” Analysis statement: what purpose does this
Conclusion: Consider
the techniques (logos (logic) and pathos (emotional connections) Kennedy used
in presenting his points the concerns of
the Houston Ministerial Association. How effective are they?
Remember transition
words: furthermore, moreover, in addition, however, despite, lastly
No “I believe”
“I think”
avoid contractions
indent for paragraphs
textual evidence, textual evidence, textual evidence
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